
Should you have a website for your small business?

Well according to eCommerce statistics from (DevriX) 64% of small businesses do own their own websites. Among the reasons that were most prevalent were exposure to a larger audience to make more sales.

This larger number is offset with 35% of smaller businesses owners feeling that their business just wasn't large enough to qualify the cost and effort that is needed to maintain a website.

19% of small business owners believe that over the next three years owning a website would be an asset worth a 25% increase to their bottom line.

In 2018 46% of small businesses did not have a website versus todays 64%. Is a 25% increase to your businesses bottom line worth it for you?

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What does it mean to have a responsive website design?

In the beginning when first creating your site, using responsive web design is fundamental. That is on the grounds that you've created your site to be seen using a wide assortment of technological gadgets.

Adapt or become obsolete

Present day buyers are examining the web from a continuously emerging number of contraptions. Phones, tablets, computers, workstations, even TVs and gaming consoles - and all under different brands. This means that there are incredible numerous contraptions out there that can be used to see your site, and they all have different screen angles and compatabilities.

Standard site engineering only allowed for websites to be seen on workspace computers and laptops and this worked perfectly for these platforms. However, now website owners are expected to adapt quickly to this ever changing technology to keep traffic flowing to threir websites or lose business and be left behind.

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Write about something you know. If you don’t know much about a specific topic that will interest your readers, invite an expert to write about it.
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